Centrifugal extractor or what is better? All differences

Centrifugal extractor or what is better? All differences

Centrifugal Extractor Or What Is Better? All Differences

If you want to prepare at home juices or vegetables, especially with the arrival of warm, the question that arises is: centrifuge or extractor? These two appliances, similar in some ways, but deeply away under other points of view, are in fact the natural choices when it comes to juices do-it-yourselfer.

In this article we will analyze several factors to help you choose that, we must say, is absolutely subjective. Each of the two appliances meet similar requirements, but not identical.

So, to judge whether it is better or the centrifugal extractor you must go through a thorough analysis that takes into account both technical and otherwise, for example, cost.

Differences between juice and centrifugal extractor: technical aspects

Size and space

From the point of view of size and footprint in the kitchen there are no differences so great as to be clearly lean towards the choice of one or the other product.

The speech on the overall difference was valid some years ago when the centrifuges were generally more compact than the extractors and thus more easily positioned.

Centrifugal Extractor Or What Is Better? All Differences

Vertical extractors are compact and easy to position

However, in recent years several extractors in vertical development were launched, which have significantly reduced its footprint, thinning the difference with the centrifuges.

Operating Technology

The first and substantial difference between juice and the centrifuge is in operation technology extractor.

The centrifuge has a rotational movement at high speed of the blades which, by exploiting the centrifugal force, separating the juice from the fibers, which are collected in an appropriate container to be possibly reused in other ways.

The speed of rotation influences the amount of final juice: the higher the speed, the better will be the ability of extraction (the rotation speeds range from 6000 to 18000 revolutions per minute).

The juice extractor uses a very different principle, where the slowness is the key factor to determine the quality of the product. In fact, the extractor is equipped with an auger, a sort of big screw, which rotates slowly “chew” the ingredient and extracts the juice.

The lower the rotation speed, the lower the risk of oxidation and overheating due to friction. For this reason, these products are also called cold extractors, since no heat is generated during the process. The speed range available on the market ranges from 40 to 80 rpm.

Centrifugal Extractor Or What Is Better? All Differences

Engine performance

The difference in function mechanism affects obviously also on the engine power. The centrifuges, which need high speeds, require more powerful engines, which in some cases come to 1000W (professional centrifuges can also exceed this value). E ‘can still find models with much lower power (even 200W), which, however, are not suitable for intensive use.

The motors of the cold extractors have more limited powers, which abut on the other hand between 200W and 400W. This difference might suggest that the extractors also ensure lower energy consumption, but this is not always true, indeed. In fact, the extractors employ about three times as long as more than the extractors to obtain the final product.


The different operating technologies also have an impact on the time taken for the preparation of juice / centrifuged.

The cold extraction requires more patience (up to 3 times more time to get the same amount of juice) and is not a trial for those in a hurry. If you are therefore looking for an appliance that can quickly prepare juices, the centrifuge is the gadget for you.

Obviously, for both products, also it affects the time the opening of the mouth: the greater its diameter, the lower the required processing of the ingredients and it will be possible to insert also fruits and vegetables whole or coarsely cut, with a considerable saving of time.

Centrifugal Extractor Or What Is Better? All Differences

Final product

Flavor and texture

Prefer a cold pressed rather than a centrifuged is an exercise related to personal tastes and, therefore, we can not really make judgments in this regard, although it can be said that the taste of a juice is more determined and marked than that of a centrifuged.

Centrifugal Extractor Or What Is Better? All Differences

The cold extraction produces a thicker juice and stronger flavor

In addition, the judgment becomes objective when it comes to consistency. In fact, one of the extracts is dense and homogeneous, while the centrifuged are more “liquid.” In addition, after a few minutes of preparation, the centrifuged tend to “separate” inside the cup / container: on the surface it will have a foamy layer and the juice will occupy the lower layer.

Even the color is an objective index of product quality naturally. The juice produced using puller show more vivid and brilliant colors, while the centrifugal offer more colors “pale”. This is due to the increased amount of air collection, due to the fast rotation of the blades.


At the moment, there is no official study says that the loss of nutrients than the centrifuged cold extract, although alleged by several more or less authoritative sources.

However, some evidence showing how the increased amount of air absorbed by centrifuged ports to the rapid oxidation of centrifuged and its potential loss of nutrients, especially if not consumed immediately after preparation.

The lower oxidation allows cold extracts to be stored longer, keeping intact with more ease the nutritional properties.


From the efficiency point of view, the extractor has an edge over the centrifuge. On average, it is able to extract up to 20% of juice in more than the centrifuge, which instead produces more waste.

The latter will be dry and low amounts with respect to the extractor. The scraps of the centrifuge there remain “wet” and this means that still contain the juice.

Centrifugal Extractor Or What Is Better? All Differences

This means that, with the same amount of food, the extractor itself as the best choice from the point of view saving on raw material.


As said before, the ease of oxidation of centrifuged it causes more rapid perishability and potential loss of vitamins and nutrients. The advice is therefore to consume the product immediately after preparation or at most a few hours.

The cold extract is instead more structured and less subject to oxidation and can be stored longer, even up to 48 hours. This compensates for the most time spent in preparing the juice: you can prepare larger quantities at the same time and even eat them the next day.

What foods can I use?

Another difference between cold centrifugal extractor and is in the number and type of products that can be treated. Both centrifugal extractor that are capable of treating fruits and vegetables. The second behave much better with harder foods and fibrosis (for example, ginger and carrots), but a centrifugal high power is still able to work these ingredients.

The situation is different when it comes to other types of ingredient, for example, seeds and dried fruit. In fact, some extractors are able to work these foods, extracting milk and vegetable oils (almond, hemp, etc.).

Finally, some extractors offer the possibility to produce sorbets, simply starting from the frozen fruit.

Centrifugal Extractor Or What Is Better? All Differences

Some strippers can prepare sorbets


The comparison between the centrifugal extractor could not leave out a key variable as the price.

On average, cold juice extractors have higher prices and, for a quality product, you also spend several hundred euro. Of course, you can also find products from lower cost, but for a good quality product it is advisable to spend at least 150 €.

The higher price is the increased quality of the final product. In fact, as we have seen, the juices have a stronger flavor, brighter colors and a more pleasant texture and dense compared to the blended fruit and vegetables also tend to deperirsi more easily and to lose nutrients if not consumed immediately.

The centrifuges have lower prices and with less than € 100 you can buy high quality products. Recall that the initial savings due to the purchase of a centrifuge rather than a slow juicer, it is offset by the fact that the latter are more efficient and capable of extracting up to 20% of juice in more than the former.

Therefore, in the long term, the extractors are presented as products most economically efficient and suitable to reduce waste.


We close the differences between centrifugal extractor and with maintenance. Due to the lower number of accessories and their conformation, the extractors are on average easier to clean than a centrifuge.

Centrifugal Extractor Or What Is Better? All Differences

The centrifuge requires more time to be washed

The latter, in fact, being equipped with blades and a greater number of elements, it requires more time and care for a thorough cleaning.

Both product categories include devices with washable components in a dishwasher.

Centrifuge or puller: comparative table

Operating Technology

Auger and slow-moving that “chews” foods extracting the juice

high-speed rotation of the blades and exploitation of centrifugal force to separate juice from waste.

Good extraction capacity, the differences remain dry and not humid.

The scraps remain moist and with a percentage of juices inside. On average, the extractive capacity is about 20% less than a puller.

Juice bodied and bright colors, with the possibility of also storing up to 48h.

clearer juices and with a more liquid consistency. More subject to oxidation and to stratify after a few minutes of preparation

Price on average higher than the centrifuge, even models with several hundred euro. On average, about 150 € you buy a quality product.

MOST economic extractors, with just over 50 € you can find quality in terms of products.

Operating Technology

Auger and slow-moving that “chews” foods extracting the juice

Good extraction capacity, the differences remain dry and not humid.

Juice bodied and bright colors, with the possibility of also storing up to 48h.

Price on average higher than the centrifuge, even models with several hundred euro. On average, about 150 € you buy a quality product.

Operating Technology

high-speed rotation of the blades and exploitation of centrifugal force to separate juice from waste.

The scraps remain moist and with a percentage of juices inside. On average, the extractive capacity is about 20% less than a puller.

clearer juices and with a more liquid consistency. More subject to oxidation and to stratify after a few minutes of preparation

MOST economic extractors, with just over 50 € you can find quality in terms of products.

Centrifuge vs puller: pros and cons



Better centrifuge or extractor? final Verdict

So, centrifuge or extractor? The differences analyzed in the previous lines seem to easily elect a winner: the juice extractor. In fact, if the desire is to prepare juices bodied, strong flavor and brilliant colors, while maintaining all its nutritional properties, this appliance is the right choice. In summary, the word that distinguishes the extractor is: quality. In addition, these products provide less waste and better preservation of the final product compared to a centrifuge.

However, the personal needs are different and this will also affect the buying behavior. In other words, if you are looking for a product able to quickly prepare juices, even to the detriment of the final quality, the centrifuge is the choice probably more suitable. In fact, these products are three times faster than the slow juicer, and, not least, significantly cheaper. Therefore, the centrifuge is a recommended choice for those who are always in a hurry and has a limited budget for a purchase of this type.

To know the best models on the market, check out our guide to the purchase of the best juice extractors and centrifuges best.

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